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In Transit: Shannon Melnyk

In this second instalment of In Transit, the Vancouver-based travel writer Shannon Melnyk shares some of her likes and dislikes from the road.

A favourite trip?
The island of Moorea continues to capture my heart.

Preferred travel companion?
Michael Buble.  Funny guy. Best smile on the planet. And think of all the impromptu serenades.  Oh... married, you say? 

The world's most under-rated city?
The one you’re in. Sometimes we’re too attached to the beaten path.

Favourite splurge?
French perfume and cashmere.

Favourite souvenir?
A magenta silk robe.

Window or aisle seat?
Aisle. I hydrate. A lot.

Preferred form of travel?
Submarine. Laucala Island.  Highly recommended.

What is the one thing you never leave home without?
Fuzzy socks. Somehow A/C in hotel suites has reached epic Antarctic levels.

On the list?
Bhutan. I want to see all that happiness for myself.

Top travel tip?
Part with your smartphone.

If you had to have your last meal where would that be?
Unfair question. Seriously?

Most memorable hotel moment?
I was escorted to my room, only to find a baby in it.  True story.